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> Hello World!

Welcome to my personal website!

I'm a PhD student at Utah State University with a passion for computing, open source software, net neutrality, and right-to-repair. I enjoy the mountains, fresh air, a clean environment, and working with my hands. I do many things from make music to write software, from repair cars to write poetry, and from binge Star Trek to running near-daily 10k's. Plus, not to brag or anything but I wrote this website myself by hand.

This is the light version of the website (HTML-only). The "back-to-top" button is always visible, and the navbar is a table of contents rather than a navbar. You can [ RETURN TO THE FULL VERSION OF THE SITE ] at any time.

[webuser@joshjeppson ~]$
cat about_me.txt

As of writing this, I am 23 years old and I have a bachelors' in Computer Engineering with minors in Computer Science and Mathematics. I am passionate about open source software and have used many Linux distros, including Debian, Manjaro, Arch, Kubuntu, Puppy, and others. I prefer anything with an open standard where I can, and I prefer to use command-line utilities such as

, and
. Currently, I use Manjaro but I will soon hop to Artix for daily driving since I am not a fan of SystemD or the GNU Coreutils.

I was born in Cache Valley, Utah, and am very familiar with the local trails around the valley. In order to not doxx myself I'm not going to tell you exactly where I live, but it's close enough that I can drive to either Bear Lake or Promontory Point on a good day.

My favorite trails have lately been the Bonneville Shoreline Trail, Crimson, and White Pine, since they are all relatively easy to get to from where I live. I also love jogging on the Cache Connections trail, as well as a whole lot of "unmapped" trails in Logan, Providence, and Blacksmith Fork Canyon.

[webuser@joshjeppson ~]$
cd skills
[webuser@joshjeppson ~/skills (git)]$
cat skills.txt

I am proficient in multiple programming languages, as well as have general skills in programming, cybersecurity, Linux, and general computing. The languages I am most proficient in (in no particular order) are as follows:

  • Python
  • C and C++
  • Java
  • Shell/zsh/bash
  • Octave and Matlab
  • LaTeX (Not a Programming Language)
  • Markdown, HTML, and CSS (Again, Not Programming Languages)
Some languages that I am less proficient in, but still are noteworthy, are the following:
  • Kotlin
  • JavaScript
  • VimScript
  • Perl/Raku
  • Scheme/Lisp (I could probably pick up Clojure fairly easily)
  • Haskell
  • Rust
And finally, languages I don't have much experience in but would have substantial interest in learning:
  • Dart (with Flutter)
  • Lua (NeoVim supports Lua configs and they are *much* faster than VimScript
But beyond programming I have many other skills and hobbies to fill my days. I am pretty proficient in repairing computer hardware, and I have also acquired the *wonderful* skill of car repair. I have repaired many of the components (including the head gasket) in my 2001 Toyota Camry.
[webuser@joshjeppson ~/skills (git)]$
cd ../hobbies
[webuser@joshjeppson ~/hobbies (git)]$
cat hobbies.txt

My hobbies include running, hiking, backpacking, cooking, working on my car, and riding my bike. Basically every day, I run anywhere from 5 miles to 10 miles per day, and generally run about 6.2 miles (10 kilometers). Most of these runs are on local trails and in canyons, or more generally in more natural areas.

In addition to outdoor activities, I am an avid music producer. I only use open source software to produce music, including Ardour and LMMS. My published music is currently available on basically all platforms, including Spotify, but I have a number of songs which have not yet been published, which I would like to release soon under a new artist name: Infinite Impulse Response.


[webuser@joshjeppson ~/hobbies (git)]$
cd images

[webuser@joshjeppson ~/hobbies/images (git)]$
imagemagick *.jpeg
(One of my favorite running trails) (My parents' dog, Daisy) (Some delicious garlic bread I made) (Grilled, breaded tofu with provolone on whole-grain) (Some geese I saw while out one day)
[webuser@joshjeppson ~/skills (git)]$
cd ~/contact

[webuser@joshjeppson ~/contact ]$
cat contact.txt

Contact information for Joshua Jeppson:

NOTE: I'm a little cagey about my personal information, so I don't like to just give it out over the internet. Rather than make my life harder by making my email visible, just contact me via this form:
[webuser@joshjeppson ~/contact ]$

Contact form requires JavaScript and is therefore not available on the light version of this site.
